Friday 22 January 2016

Popchips: Let's "Be a bit good"

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As the saying goes,"Life is too short." So in the midst of all the January health ads pandering to our best intentions for the New Year, it's refreshing to see an ad that accepts the fact that we are only human. As Lucky Generals (who created the ad) puts it "You shouldn't have to live like a monk."

Yes, on January 1st we all did say "I am going to walk to work"/"I am going to go to the gym 5 times a week"/ "No more junk food for me". 

But let's face facts;

1. It rains quite a bit in the UK. 

2. The gym is very busy Mon-Wed so it is better to go on the weekend.

3. We all love a cheeky kebab on a night out.

We all want to be healthy but at the same time we all like a treat from time to time. And that is what I love about this ad, it recognises that fact and makes light of it with the tagline "Be A Bit Good"! 

Besides, Popchips are only have half the fat of regular crisps so I can easily incorporate a couple of packets into my new healthy diet......right?

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