Monday 4 January 2016

Oxfam appeal to our desire to be part of the crowd

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The image of a malnourished, barefoot, african toddler collecting dirty water or searching through rubbish for food, does not have the same effect on us as it would've 10 years ago.

Sad, but true.

That is not to say it doesn't break out hearts. But its no longer enough for us to reach into our pockets to help fund the solution.

The simple fact it is that every charity has uses this image and the proliferation of such images has resulted in the vast majority of those who are in a position to help have become desensitised or no longer believe that their money makes a real difference.

There in lies the brilliance of this new campaign. It focuses on the positives and want You have already achieved!

So how did the do it?

Firstly, it starts with a positive message. All to often we see these type of appeals start with horrific images, and that's makes us do two things. Switch channels or switch off. This campaign starts by saying "The countdown to ending extreme poverty has begun."This immediately indicates to the viewer that this is not the usual charity appeal and worth working to see why.

Secondly, the novel use of real British donaters, with whom the viewer can relate, makes them at feel that they too can be part of this larger project. Unlike the traditionally ads which only shows the aid workers contribution this add shows all the contributors. Aid workers, donators and the impoverished people themselves are all seen to be working together to eradicate the disease of extreme poverty.  Seeing thus people who you helping, helping themselves is also 

Finally, It has long been proven that we love to feel part of the collective. And for many years now advertisers have used social marketing messages that involve call to action that makes you seem part of group. An example of this would be: "Join your fellow citizens in helping keeping these streest clean" instead of " Help keep these street clean." Believing that you adopting the behaviour the majority makes you more willing to participate in the activity. This is the technique that oxfam are using here. They are inviting you to join the countless others who are doing their part in eradicating poverty in a way that shows that you can really make a difference.

Sign me up!

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