Tuesday 12 January 2016

Amazon: Impulse Buying "Thought it. Bought it."

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Breaking a habit or changing established behaviour is a notoriously difficult task. So not just encourage it?

Everyone falls victim to that impulse buy from time to time. Most of this type of buying is done on the internet and Amazon is one of main places people go to practice this vice. This campaign, therefore, encourages such behaviour.

Using humour as its main tool, it shows the act as less naughty and more 'normal'. It seemingly justifies impulse buying as logical and natural, while highlighting how their easy-to-use shopping app can help you impulse buy to your hearts content.

Lucky Generals created the two ads for a campaign. Each of the spots shows an Amazon customer being reminded of an item on their shopping list and then using the app to buy it. But this could just as easily be random item that just comes to mind that you had intention of buying.

It is truly a great campaign, but when we can't pay the rent at the end of the month we all know who to blame!

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