Wednesday 13 January 2016

HSBC's Big New Years Resolution

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Always the pioneer when it comes to their marketing strategy (Glocalistaion- "The World's local bank"), HSBC have incorporated social media as a central part of their #StartsToday campaign.

#StartsToday is about helping you achieve your ambitions with a range of products and new offers to help you get your aspirations off the ground. Using Instagram style pictures accompanied with an explanatory hashtag, HSBC wants people to visualise their aspirations for the future in way that is familiar to them.  

January is notoriously the time when our hopes and dreams for the coming year are at the forefront of our mind. So when everyone is looking for a mean to achieve their goals, HBSC steps in to  offer a solution in the form of their #Startstoday campaign. Two small words, but two words that hold so much weight at this time of year.

The use of simple, relatable images with limited text is also refreshing. All to often ads for the banking sector heavily feature numbers and percentages that by enlarge mean nothing to the average passer by. 

By using familiar images allows the viewer to interpret their meaning on a personal level which in turns helps them to connect with the ad more. Furthermore, the use of images that do not specifically relate to banking i.e running shoes allows HSBC to be associated with more than just money, it becomes associated with ones lifestyle.

All in all, a very good campaign.

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