Tuesday 27 October 2015

Belvedere's new James Bond Campaign expected to boost sales

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Eager to capitalise on the worldwide success of the James Bond franchise, luxury vodka brand, Belvedere, has partnered with the latest 007 film, Spectre, for a new TV campaign. Belvedere's president, Charles Gibb, says the tie-up will create the luxury vodka brand’s best ever quarter of sales.

The 30 second TV ad stars Mexican actress and Spectre star Stephanie Sigman, and imaginatively shows the creation of a 'belvedere' vodka martini. Shot is a stylish, James Bond-esque bar, Sigman ensures that like Bond, her drink is shaken not stirred and signs off with the line: ‘Excellent choice, Mr. Bond’. There are also two limited edition 007 Spectre bottles to celebrate the advertising campaign, which marks the first time Belvedere has sponsored a film.

Gibb believes that Bond's international appeal means that this partnership is perfect: “It’s difficult to get something that can resonate in the 120 countries in which we sell our vodka but Bond does that as it has vast international appeal. We would love for this to be a long-term marketing partnership, we wouldn’t go into it otherwise.”

True, this partnership is good business . Belvedere's and Bond's brand images compliment one another perfectly. Both are seen as stylish, classy, and luxurious, so this partnership re-enforces this perception in the consumers mind.

Furthermore, if this partnership is to be long- term, Belvedere's association with Bond means those who aspire to live like their favourite fictional character, will eventually see the drink as part of the James Bond lifestyle. Even those who just have a mild liking for Bond will be positively effected. When they are at the bar and see the brand they will immediately associate it with the iconic ladies man which in turn will influence their purchasing decision.

Gibb also sees this partnership as his company's recognition that traditional advertising is no longer effective.

He concluded: “In today’s marketing world you want to be talked about in pop culture at the right moments and that’s where Bond is fascinating as it generates buzz for months and months before and after the film’s release....TV advertising alone just isn’t enough to reach consumers when you think about all the people who are fast-forwarding ads and streaming. You need to make yourself a part of the conversation online and offline."

Take a look at the ad below.

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