Thursday 10 March 2016

Virgin Media are kinda cool

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In an era when every brand is struggling to communicate with millennials, most fail because they trying to hard to be"cool."

Instead of trying to understand this segment, they often try and imitate them. Think - a dad trying to rap along in the car to the latest Drake song and thinking they are "with it", instead of asking their teenager son/daughter what sort of music they like listening to. 

Brands need to stop assuming what millennials like from data sources and actually sit down with them and take the time to understand  "how" and "why" they like, or do something.   

This is by no means an easy task. Speaking from experience, my likes and dislikes can often change in a heart beat. But by attempting this sort of research you might get some decent insight, which will hopefully stop the over usage of emojis!

Virgin Media, who have teamed up with BBH for their latest ad, seem to have some understanding of millennial culture. 

Set in a house party (how original) its use of augmented instant messages and Instagram is quite cool. However, some of the captions underneath the IG posts like " This house party is off the hook", needs a little revision. 

But all in all, it is a good effort and I don't spend the whole time cringing when I watch it.

Kerris Bright, Chief Marketing Officer at Virgin Media, commented: "We have a very clear direction for our brand and our advertising - to illustrate the power of the internet to help our customers to do more and have fun by connecting them to things they love, perhaps even helping them find love."

Yes - this is a great direction for the company and in my opinion they are thinking along the right lines. My only concern is the execution.

The extensions from the initial campaign are based around the theme of "It's amazing what you can do in one second," and are really clever. 

But its the content again that lets it down a bit. I mean, how often do people gather round to watch a dance off in the middle of party these days?

Maybe in the future they could film a real house party and ask afterwards what the attendees shared on their social channels.
Doing that should make the whole thing appear a little bit more organic. 

But hey, what do I know I'm just a millennial.

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