Sunday 13 March 2016

Ad Of The Week: PayPal - "There's a new money in town"

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The definition of "New Money" is someone who is rich but does not come from a wealthy background or family. So, for example, rappers might be described as such because they often come from an impoverished background. 

Typically the term is seen as being derogatory. Over the years         people from "old money" have used it to call into question an individual's status in high society, because that individual did not originally come from a "respectable,"wealthy bloodline.

The new PayPal campaign therefore is atypical. It makes new money appear as something to you would want to be associated with.

In this campaign PayPal is described as new money because it is a more efficient, safer, and quicker means of handling financial transactions. "Old Money" is this context refers to banks, paper money and face-to-face transactions, and is portrayed as being conservative and backward.

In essence, Paypal have taken this "dirty word" and made it clean.

PayPal's reapportion of the term for its new global campaign is extremely clever and in-tune with the world we live in today. 

Each day the Fintech industry grows and changes the way we pay for things, exchange money and save money. The old ways - bricks and mortar banking - as dying out and the monopolies in the finance world that once existed are no more.  

Today, anyone with access to the internet can be a millionaire and we are more in control of our finances than ever before. 

PayPal appear to be on the side of change and progress thus making this disruptive technology more in touch with that golden consumer group - millennials. 

So move over banks, here comes PayPal!

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