Monday 21 March 2016

Lloyds Bank: Helping customers take the next step

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Lloyds Bank recently launched a new brand campaign, "For Your Next Step", created by adam&eveDDB. According to Mat Goff, managing director at adam&eveDDB, the campaign wants to communicate that "Lloyds Bank can help give their customers confidence to take their next step whether that’s a planned, unforseen, happy or a challenging one.”

The campaign should be praised for two reasons. Firstly, it is no secret that convincing people to change their bank is very difficult. Typically people choose a bank when they’re 18 and stay with that bank for life. Adverts promoting low interest rates or free phone insurance are by enlarge ineffective. 

But the beauty of this campaign is that its doesn't try to highlight the benefits of the bank and instead Lloyds Bank are taking a back seat in order to appear in a supportive role. When people are getting married, or have lost a loved one they are consumed with their emotions and preparations. They need to focus on themselves and want everything  to work smoothly without them whilst they deal with their situation. Lloyds Bank  - a big, sturdy black horse - is portrayed as the bank that can provide that reliable financial support that is so essential at that these times. 

By giving primacy to the situation rather than itself, Lloyds Bank appears to become part of that individual's supportive network instead of a cold, faceless bank. You trust your network to help you get through each major life experience and Lloyds Bank hope this approach will help them attain that same trust.

Secondly, it should be praised for its diversity. The campaign features many different characters, including an interracial gay couple’s proposal.  In the 60 second spot we witness the proposal and then the two men’s embrace later in the commercial after one of the men says, “yes.” 

Times are changing and this ad is a direct reflection of that change. Millennials see the world very differently, and are more accepting than previous generations. Many will have friends from diverse backgrounds and in same-sex relationships. 

Ultimately, the ad reflects their world thus making it more relatable and likeable while at the same time making Lloyds Bank appear to be the bank suited to the forward-thinking millennial.

All in all a good follow- up to their 250th anniversary campaign.

The campaign was launched on the 11th March and will run on TV, cinema, digital, print, outdoor and social media. 

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