Wednesday 2 September 2015

Google gets a mobile make-over

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Yesterday you may have noticed there was something peculiar about your Google homepage. No, you were not going crazy. The logo had indeed completely changed...well slightly.   

According to the tech company it "has changed a lot over the past 17 years—from the range of [its] products to the evolution of [its] look and feel. And [yesterday they were] changing things up once again".

Going serif-free is the first significant change Google has made to its logo since 1999. So why now? Well, its because of us, the consumer. 
As the video illustrates, both Google and how we use it has changed over the years. Google is no longer just a search engine, its a navigator, a time keeper, a thermometer, a news reader, a friend. 
"Google was one destination that you reached from one device: a desktop PC, these days, people interact with Google products across many different platforms, apps and devices—sometimes all in a single day."
Google now has a family, and this new branding is its new identity. According to their blog they are introducing "a logo and identity family" that has been "updated for a world of seamless computing across an endless number of devices and different kinds of inputs (such as tap, type and talk)."

This new branding will therefore be implemented across all of Google's platforms  to ensure that this connection is clear to the user. 

For example, over the coming weeks you may notice that little blue "g" icon, used for the app and Gmail, be replaced with the four-colour "G" to match the logo. 

Google has hinted that this will not be the last change that they make. However, based on the social reaction to this small change, they might want to consider waiting another 10 years before doing anything else!

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