Wednesday 6 February 2019

Easy Health Makes For Lazy Advertising

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I saw this from UFIT on the underground which, based on this ad, is aiming to be a healthy protein drink option for individuals who want to eat right but also enjoy life’s pleasures. So basically, every millennial in London?

Now, I don’t think there is much wrong with this insight. It’s true, we want to make healthier life choices but a combination of financial constraints, lack of time and the “foodie revolution” means we don’t always want/choose what’s good for us. We look for brands that make it easy for us to live well without compromising on taste or flavour.

But the issue I have is that all the newbies to the “easy health” space are singing from the same hymn sheet. Remember Popchips “Be A Bit Good” campaign? It also plays on the daily battle we face between good choices and bad ones and appearing to be the perfect go between (all done in a tongue-in-cheek manner). I think they were one of the first and did the best.

While I don’t think there is anything wrong with tapping into a common mindset, nowadays brands are currently leaning too heavily on this “easy on-the-go health” message and it’s getting a bit old, especially  the “We Have Protein" song.

I think brands need to sit down and ruminate on the “so what” a bit longer, and really think about what only they can offer. They forget that they are not just competing with brands in their immediate category, they are also competing with every other brand that gives you easy, fast and tasty nutrition – Innocent, Nakd, Bounce, need I go on?

Relying on this quite frankly lazy, no shit Sherlock truth ain’t going to fly anymore….not for me anyway.

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