Monday 10 October 2016

Apple Watch Series 2 - Gets Us All Excited About Nothing

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I am not ashamed to say it, I am probably one of TWBA Media Arts biggest fans when it comes to their Apple adverts. They just have a knack of making all Apple products feel such a natural and essential part of our lives. The way they convey technology and product updates makes you feel that if you don't have that gadget that you are not truly living - okay, maybe thats just me but you have to admit they are emotive.

But I think I may have my have misplaced my rose tinted glasses when I caught my first glimpse of the Apple Watch Series 2 advert. If case you are unaware the main improvements between the first apple watch and this latest iteration are the GPS and that it is fully waterproof. Nothing to write home about. And surprisingly this is so clearly evident in the advert - nothing has really changed.

As to be expected the art direction is brilliant and the various of sports is interesting but i don't feel compelled to run down to my nearest apple. I don't know, maybe as an"experience hunter" - well, that's what they call us millennials anyway - I have lost my desire to have the latest "thing" valuing experiences over products. But I still like my gadgets so maybe it is just this one advert didn't strike a cord with me.

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