Friday, 17 July 2015

Apple Pay: TFL Promotion

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You know your brand is well-established when a government organisation incorporates your product into their system, and then advertises that fact for you! Well, that’s exactly what TFL did with Apple Pay. Released earlier this month, Apple Pay is a digital wallet service that allows users to make payments with their Apple devices. While the service in very much in its infancy and its usage is nowhere close to that of contactless bank cards, this is likely to change and TFL is well aware of that fact. 

Apple were recently disappointed with the sales of their Watch, but this is to be expected as it will first be bought by the wealthier "early adopters" before the masses jump on the bandwagon. Remember when they first launched the iPhone? It was only until the iPhone 5 that it became the No.1 mobile of choice. So going by the success of the iPhone and iPad over the past few years, Apple Watch and Apple Pay will surely play their role in ensuring that Apple hold their title as the King of Brands. I mean, when you top the Forbes Most Valuable Brand List for the second consecutive year, any of your market offerings are likely to be well received. 

Apart from accumulating a vast amount of wealth, the tech company has managed to cultivate a powerful brand image. It is this image that gives credence to TFL's decision to integrate Apple's new payment service . Over the past 12 years Apple have strategically and systemically diversified their product portfolio. Starting with a bold move into the music industry with the launch of the iPod and iTunes in 2004, the company has since branched out into the mobile phone industry and watch market. Apple have fingers in many different pies and now that their index finger is firmly in the digital payment pie, Apple will have to start using their toes! 

Unlike most companies who pursue a simple strategy of brand extension, i.e Google creating Gmail, Apple often pursue a far riskier one. But this policy of throwing caution to the wind is all part of Apple's desire to become a lifestyle brand; a brand so ingrained in our day to day life that it is seen as a necessity. Ultimately, just how we use brand names for certain daily activities like “Google it” instead of  "search it on the internet" or “hoover the carpet" instead of "vacuum the carpet", Apple want the same. Now I can't think of an instance when I said  “Can I use your iPhone" instead of "Can I use your mobile"(unless I knew they had one) and it seems that this kind of assimilation into our common vernacular is some way off. That being said, TFL's adoption of Apple Pay means the company is heading in the right direction. Honestly, how many companies do you know that get free promotion from the government!

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