Wednesday 20 March 2019

Heinz Microwaveable Pot: Sounds So Simple

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I saw this one on my way home last night and was captured by it's simplicity. Heinz has brought out a new and improved microwaveable version of their famous tomato soup. #YUM.

Ensuring the busy passerby knows what the ad is all about and who it’s from, the ad is smothered in recognisable properties. The infamous Heinz red and all those KBAs (Key Brand Assets) are clearly visible. But for me, the use of the sound, a microwave makes when your food is ready, is what made me smile. It's such a simple yet eloquent way to communicate that this is a new variant, the key point of difference and how to easy it is the make. All this encapsulated in the use one word. Ping in this context is imbued with so much meaning, and is an apt example of how sometimes less is more in advertising. We see here the weight that words carry, so make sure you are purposeful and deliberate with yours!

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