Wednesday 1 February 2017

Tesco: Stepping Off The Beaten Path

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Special offers, price points, premium ranges - traditionally, these are the areas in which supermarkets compete. Indeed in recent years the price-focused ads of Morrisons and those of Lidl and Aldi have been very effective in enticing customers away from the established powerhouses that are Tesco, 
Sainsbury and Waitrose. But, this me-too form of advertising is fast becoming tiresome and it is all about short-term, key "trade moment" gains. They are not brand building or perception changing. The only one in this category to do that was Lidl with #lidlsurprises. However, after x amount of iterations of the same campaign, their messaging no longer has the same potency. Well, last month we saw Tesco take a lap of faith and talk about something else and boy was it refreshing!

Revising the way it talks about food in its advertising, Tesco has moved away from heroing particular products or promoting individual items to instead highlighting its quality credentials and the passion and care that goes into the meals its customers prepare. It is no longer about championing their food and their brand, instead it's all about championing the customer's story.

Merely setting the parameters and context ("Food Love Stories"), Tesco's is allowing the customers to tell their own brand story in an authentic and emotive way. Using real-life stories makes it more relatable and allows you to emphasis and connect more with the campaign and, in turn, the brand. 

The power of UGC has been recognised for many years now but seldom do brands use it well or imaginatively. Asking consumers to use your hashtag and post a picture with them using your product isn't going to win fans or awards anytime soon. But setting up a platform for consumers to get peer to peer tips, advice and inspiration is a great way to engineer brand love. To this effect, Tesco has launched a content hub with ingredients and recipe cards for the featured meals, which will also be available in its large stores to ensure that customers can engage and be involved with this campaign beyond the OOH. 

While I do enjoy the refreshing nature of this campaign, in order to achieve the objective of highlighting the quality of Tesco's products, some work may need to be done to the next iterations. At present the focus is very much on the story behind the meal and not on the quality of the ingredients going into it. But I am sure this will be addressed in the future. For now, I am just going to enjoy the great recipes that are being featured!

Rating: 9/10

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