Sunday 10 April 2016

Ad of The Week: Mercedes Benz - Not What Your Used To

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As an aspiring strategist, normally I would focus on the brilliance of this ad's consumer insight or its use of behaviour economics. But the primary reason that I like this ad is that it makes me smile and reminisce about the pains of being the youngest sibling.

However, what I can say is that Mercedes uses our negative perceptions of used items to make us want to buy a second hand car from them. 

By enlarge we look at used items negatively. We assume they are lower quality, undesirable and outdated. But instead of immediately trying to challenge that perception makes this ad embraces it. 

The majority of the 30 second spot is used to demonstrate how bad second hand items can be. It is only at the end of the ad that our perception of used items is challenged. However, this is done in a very light hearted manner with the tagline "Not What Your Used To."

Just like TBWA's Lidl #Surprises campaign, the ad turns a negative perception into a positive one. Lidl’s ads use a tongue-in-cheek tone that uses people’s negative image of the brand to highlight the quality of its products. Mercedes do the same thing. They want to first highlight how bad second hand items usually are so they can emphasis the "abnormal" quality of their used cars.

See for yourselves below.

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