Sunday, 2 April 2017

NikeID: Making our fashion choices easier

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Part of a planner's role in an agency is understanding the consumer's behaviour at key moments, or identifying tension points along the customer journey. The next task is to work out ways to alleviate them. These can be existing problems that traditional solutions can't solve or solutions that are no longer effective. Today in our digitally lead world, technology can unlock new ways to approach the same problems that have been plaguing us for so many years.

RGA did just that with their activation to mark Air Max Day 2017. To launch NIKEiD in Eastern Europe and the Middle East during this year's global Air Max Day, RGA created an interactive installation that generates custom designed Air Max sneakers based your outfit and instantly prints a photo of the shoes, along with a link to the design in NIKEiD.

So what problem are they solving? Having too much choice can be crippling. Limiting our choice or helping us to make a decision is something we as consumers carve. In the book, "The Paradox of Choice" the psychologist and author Barry Schwartz argues that eliminating consumer choices can greatly reduce anxiety for shoppers. RGA recognised that the “blank canvas” of NIKEiD can be intimidating, so they facilitated self-expression by designing sneakers based on what you are already wearing. Traditional methods, for example, having a shop assistant to help customers wouldn't be as effective because NIKiD is all about your individual style and the freedom to design the trainers yourself. So having someone design it for you defeats the point. However, having an unbiased AI use your swagger to help you express your own style, is solving this problem and makes this offering more attractive.

Results: In 10 days, 10,000 people got custom Air Max, and 16% followed the link to

Rating: 10/10